How We Help

Addiction's Answer takes a team into Kensington, Philadelphia to feed, clothe, hug, pray with and share the good news of Christ to the people there. That is just a portion of what we do. We offer a way off the streets and into long-term Christian programs where they can begin to heal, recover, and learn how much God loves them. See what we offer below.

Extended Detox
Medicaid insurance typically offers five days of detox. Since five days are not sufficient to stabilize most people in Kensington, we offer to extend detox by paying cash for and providing transportation to additional detox in a private insurance-run facility.
Long-Term Care
Once detox is completed, we will transport, clothe if necessary, and pay for admission costs (when needed) to a long-term Christian facility. We work with the individual to find the right facility for their needs and desires, whether that be close by or in another state.

While in a program, Addiction's Answer supports the individual to help them complete the program and graduate. We provide transportation for family visits and supplies if needed while they are in the program. We feel graduation is a huge part of their recovery and want to see each person accomplish this goal.
Celebration & Next Steps
We dream of seeing each person led from addiction into total freedom and a new life. Should our Addiciton's Answer friends require help after graduation, we will provide that. We want to see their next chapter in life go as smoothly as possible. This could include help with housing, court issues, and even job placement.